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A kludge (or kluge) is a workaround, a quick-and-dirty solution, a clumsy, inelegant, difficult to extend, hard to maintain yet effective and quick solution to a problem, and a rough synonym to the terms "jury rig", "Jugaad" or "jerry rig". This term is used in diverse fields such as computer science, aerospace engineering, internet slang, and evolutionary neuroscience.
- See also: Wikipedia, Wiktionary
- Related: Bricolage, Jugaad, MacGyver, Unintended consequence
First Usage of "Kludge" on UseNET (26 May 1981) First Usage of "Kludge" on UseNET (26 May 1981) groups.google.com/.../5b5eba82dd9b9812?lnk=st&q=&rnum=13#5b5eba82dd9b9812 - Web |
First Usage of "Kluge" on UseNET (14 December 1981... First Usage of "Kluge" on UseNET (14 December 1981) groups.google.com/.../d769a8d2676dac29?lnk=st&q=kluge&rnum=5#d769a8d2676dac29 - Web |
The Jargon File: Kludge The Jargon File: Kludge www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/K/kludge.html - Web |
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World Wide Words: Kludge World Wide Words: Kludge www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-klu1.htm - Web |
Work-arounds, Make-work, and Kludges Work-arounds, Make-work, and Kludges www.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/essays/koopman03_workarounds.pdf - Web |