Russian Resurrection icon, celebrating & commemorating the Great Pascha (Easter) (16th cent.)
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English: Description: Jesus Christ stands in the midst, stambling the Death and the Gate of Hell under his foot and bringing Adam left) with a hand. Eve (right) marveles and rejoices this scene of salvation, standing in the left side of Christ. Behind this group of three, the saints in the OT period - prophets and ancestors of Christ - amaze their salvation with a great joy and worship their Savoir. Though this scene occured on the Holy Great Saturday, the day before of the Resurrection according to the tradition, this icon is used to commemorate the Easter and Resurrection.
日本語: キリストの復活(復活祭)のイコン。16世紀、ロシア。死して地獄に下ったキリスト(中央)は、輝く衣をまとい、足下に死を踏みにじり、右手で人祖アダム(左)を助け起こしている。エバ(右)はアダムの反対側に立って驚嘆し喜んでいる。その背後で預言者たちとキリストの祖先の王たちが、キリストの救済の業と死からの解放を喜んでいる。