Île de Ré
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Île de Ré (formerly also Île de Rhé, Île de Rhéa or Île de Rhea - in English Isle of Rhé) is an island off the west coast of France near La Rochelle, on the northern side of the Pertuis d'Antioche strait.
- Related: Ernest Cognacq Museum
Tourist information Tourist information www.iledere.com - Web |
History of the island History of the island a.gaudin.free.fr/histoire.htm - Web |
valuable information on ile de re valuable information on ile de re en.ilere.com - Web |
Gallery for «Île de Ré»
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île de Ré News île de Ré News ubacto.com - Web |
Google image Google image maps.google.com/.../maps?ll=46.197419,-1.413803&spn=0.216276,0.343117&t=k&hl=fr - Web |
Île de Ré photography Île de Ré photography www.imagesdile.com - Web |
Photos of ile de Ré Photos of ile de Ré www.photos-iledere.com - Web |
Opinions of travelers on ile de Ré Opinions of travelers on ile de Ré www.trip-iledere.com - Web |