1755 Lisbon earthquake
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The 1755 Lisbon earthquake, also known as the Great Lisbon Earthquake, occurred in the Kingdom of Portugal on Saturday, 1 November 1755, the Catholic holiday of All Saints' Day, at around 9:40 am. The earthquake was followed by fires and a tsunami, which almost totally destroyed Lisbon and adjoining areas. Seismologists today estimate the Lisbon earthquake had a magnitude in the range 8.5–9.0 on the moment magnitude scale, with an epicenter in the Atlantic Ocean about 200 km (120 mi) west-southwest of Cape St. Vincent. Estimates place the death toll in Lisbon alone between 10,000 and 100,000 people, making it one of the deadliest earthquakes in history.
- Related: Earthquake Baroque, 1755 Cape Ann Earthquake
The Lisbon earthquake of 1755: the catastrophe and... The Lisbon earthquake of 1755: the catastrophe and its European repercussions. lisbon-pre-1755-earthquake.org/.../ - Web |
The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake www.lisbon-and-portugal.com/travel/1755-lisbon-earthquake.html - Web |
Images and historical depictions of the 1755 Lisbo... Images and historical depictions of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake nisee.berkeley.edu/lisbon/ - Web |
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More images of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsun... More images of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami nisee.berkeley.edu/elibrary/browse/kozak?eq=5234 - Web |
Contemporary eyewitness account of Rev. Charles Da... Contemporary eyewitness account of Rev. Charles Davy www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1755lisbonquake.html - Web |
Description of the Pan-European consequences of th... Description of the Pan-European consequences of the earthquake and tsunami, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. www.phenomena.org.uk/lisbon.htm - Web |
No Source for Hanging-Priests Calumny No Source for Hanging-Priests Calumny www.dcdave.com/article4/051117.htm - Web |