1992 Summer Olympics
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The 1992 Summer Olympics allowed NBA players to participate in the basketball competition for the first time; here David Robinson shoots a free throw for the gold-medal winning United States "Dream Team". |
169 nations sent athletes to compete in these Games (the number of competitors for each country below is given in brackets). With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, twelve states formed a Unified Team, while the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania had their own teams. For the first time, Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina competed as independent nations after separation from Socialist Yugoslavia. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was banned due to UN sanctions, but individual Yugoslav athletes were allowed to take part as Independent Olympic Participants. It was also the first Olympics since 1964 that a unified Germany competed at the Olympics. This was the Olympic debut for Namibia and the unified team of Yemen, after several separate participations of North and South Yemen. South Africa returned to the Games after 32 years. Four National Olympic Committees didn't send their athletes to compete: Afghanistan, Brunei, Liberia and Somalia.
- Related: 1992 Summer Paralympics, 1992 Winter Olympics, 1992 Winter Paralympics, Olympics Triplecast
Barcelona Olympic Foundation Barcelona Olympic Foundation www.fundaciobarcelonaolimpica.es - Web |
Olympic Review 1992 - Official results Olympic Review 1992 - Official results www.la84foundation.org/.../ORE300h.pdf - Web |
Barcelona Olympic Stadium Barcelona Olympic Stadium www.barcelona-tourist-guide.com/.../index.html - Web |
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Barcelona 1992 Olympic pins (broken link) Barcelona 1992 Olympic pins (broken link) collectionolympique.free.fr - Web |