2000 Atlantic hurricane season

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Hurricanes Isaac and Joyce on September 27, 2000

The 2000 Atlantic hurricane season had an unusually late date for the first named storm of the season. The hurricane season officially began on June 1, and ended on November 30. It was slightly above average due to a La Niña weather pattern. The first cyclone, Tropical Depression One, developed in the southern Gulf of Mexico on June 7 and dissipated after an uneventful duration. However, it would be almost two months before the first named storm, Alberto, formed near Cape Verde; Alberto also dissipated with no effects on land. Several other tropical cyclones – Tropical Depression Two, Tropical Depression Four, Chris, Ernesto, Nadine, and an unnamed subtropical storm – did not impact land. Five additional storms – Tropical Depression Nine, Florence, Isaac, Joyce, and Leslie – minimally affected land areas.

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