2004 Atlantic hurricane season
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Damage from the 2004 Atlantic hurricane season was estimated at around $50 billion (2004 USD; $Plantilla:Formatprice USD), over half of which was caused by Hurricanes Charley and Ivan. These two hurricanes caused $16 billion (2004 USD; $Plantilla:Formatprice USD) and $17.2 billion (2004 USD; $Plantilla:Formatprice USD) in damage, respectively. While damage estimates from Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne amounted to $9.6 billion (2004 USD; $Plantilla:Formatprice USD) and $7 billion (2004 USD; $Plantilla:Formatprice USD), respectively. The cause of the devastating effects was due to the strength and the fact that all of the four costliest hurricanes of the 2004 season made several landfalls. Despite the season being very costly, it is a distant second to the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, which resulted in $128 billion (2005 USD; $Plantilla:Formatprice USD).
- See also: Wikipedia
Satellite movie of 2004 Atlantic hurricane season Satellite movie of 2004 Atlantic hurricane season www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG0-3iYr7jA&feature=related - Web |
2004 NHC Tropical Cyclone Advisory Archive 2004 NHC Tropical Cyclone Advisory Archive www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2004/index.shtml - Web |
U.S. Rainfall from Tropical Cyclones in 2004 U.S. Rainfall from Tropical Cyclones in 2004 www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/tropical/rain/2004.html - Web |
Gallery for «2004 Atlantic hurricane season»
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NOAA hurricane season outlook NOAA hurricane season outlook www.cpc.noaa.gov/products/outlooks/hurricane.html - Web |
William Gray's 2004 preseason forecast William Gray's 2004 preseason forecast hurricane.atmos.colostate.edu/Forecasts/2004/june2004/ - Web |
Tropical cyclone images and movies – Norther... Tropical cyclone images and movies – Northern hemisphere 2004, from the United Kingdom Met Office www.metoffice.com/sec2/sec2cyclone/tcimages/nhem04/ - Web |
Effects of the Third-Quarter Hurricanes on Income ... Effects of the Third-Quarter Hurricanes on Income Measures www.bea.doc.gov/bea/dn/hurricane.htm - Web |