36th (Ulster) Division
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The 36th (Ulster) Division was a division of Lord Kitchener's New Army formed in September 1914. Originally called the Ulster Division, it was made up of members of the Ulster Volunteer Force, who formed thirteen additional battalions for three existing regiments: the Royal Irish Fusiliers, the Royal Irish Rifles and the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. The division served on the Western Front as a formation of the British Army during World War I.
- See also: Wikipedia
- Related: 10th (Irish) Division, 16th (Irish) Division
The British Army in the Great War: The 36th (Ulste... The British Army in the Great War: The 36th (Ulster) Division www.1914-1918.net/36div.htm - Web |
South Belfast Friends Of The Somme South Belfast Friends Of The Somme www.belfastsomme.com - Web |
The Somme Association The Somme Association www.irishsoldier.org - Web |
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The Irish War Memorials Project - listing of monum... The Irish War Memorials Project - listing of monuments throughout Ireland www.irishwarmemorials.ie - Web |
The Military Heritage of Ireland Trust The Military Heritage of Ireland Trust www.irishsoldiers.com - Web |
Department of the Taoiseach: Irish Soldiers in the... Department of the Taoiseach: Irish Soldiers in the First World War www.taoiseach.gov.ie/.../Irish_Soldiers_in_the_First_World_War.html - Web |
The Great War The Great War 36thulsterdivision.com - Web |