400-series highways
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The 400-series highways are a network of controlled-access highways throughout the southern portion of the Canadian province of Ontario, forming a special subset of the provincial highway system. They are analogous to the Interstate Highway System in the United States or the British Motorway network in the United Kingdom. Modern 400-series highways have high design standards, speed limits of , and various collision avoidance and traffic management systems. 400-series highway design has set the precedent for a number of innovations used throughout North America, including the parclo interchange and the modified Jersey barrier design known as an Ontario Tall Wall.
- Related: Highways in Ontario
Ontario Ministry of Transportation Ontario Ministry of Transportation www.mto.gov.on.ca - Web |
Database of Ontario Provincial Highways Database of Ontario Provincial Highways members.aol.com/hwys/OntHwys/OntHwys.html - Web |
VEHICLES ON CONTROLLED-ACCESS HIGHWAYS, R.R.O. 199... VEHICLES ON CONTROLLED-ACCESS HIGHWAYS, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 630 www.canlii.ca/on/laws/regu/1990r.630/20060614/whole.html - Web |
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Photographs and history on the 400-Series Highways... Photographs and history on the 400-Series Highways (and other provincial highways, too) www.onthighways.com - Web |