50 State Quarters
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The 50 State Quarters program () is the release of a series of circulating commemorative coins by the United States Mint. From 1999 through 2008, it featured each of the 50 U.S. states on unique designs for the reverse of the quarter.
The 50 State Quarters Program of the United States... The 50 State Quarters Program of the United States Mint Official Website www.usmint.gov/.../index.cfm?action=50_state_quarters_program - Web |
The District of Columbia and United States Territo... The District of Columbia and United States Territories Program of the United States Mint Official Website www.usmint.gov/mint_programs/DCAndTerritories/ - Web |
50 States Commemorative Coin Program Act 50 States Commemorative Coin Program Act thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c105:S.1228.ENR: - Web |
Gallery for «50 State Quarters»
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State Quarter Designs State Quarter Designs www.quarterdesigns.com - Web |
The curse of the quarter The curse of the quarter money.cnn.com/2003/05/15/pf/banking/quarter_curse/ - Web |