Aalborg University

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Aalborg University; Fibigerstraede

Aalborg University is a Danish university located mainly in Aalborg, Denmark with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg and Copenhagen. Aalborg University (AAU) was established in 1974 under the name of Aalborg University Center (AUC), but changed its name to Aalborg University in 1994. Today, Aalborg University is the fifth largest university in Denmark based on the number of enrolled students. In Aalborg, the university is mainly located on the main campus in the eastern part of the city, but the university also has departments located in downtown Aalborg. Currently, Aalborg University has approximately 17700 students and 3000 employees. In 2011, Aalborg University experienced the largest increase in applicants in Denmark, as the number of new students increased by 31 per cent.

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