Bonsai Kitten

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Square watermelon. The square watermelon was later said by Dr. Chang, to be influential in the creation of, as a concept. (Square watermelons are grown in jars so as to form a square shape).

Bonsai Kitten was a satirical website which claimed to provide instructions on how to grow a kitten in a jar, so as to mold the bones of the kitten into the shape of the jar as the cat grew, much like how a bonsai plant is shaped. It was made by a university student going by the alias of Dr. Michael Wong Chang. The website generated furor after members of the public complained to animal rights organizations, who stated that "while the site's content may be faked, the issue it is campaigning for may create violence towards animals", according to the Michigan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA). Although the website in its most recent form was shut down, it still generates (primarily spam) petitions to shut the site down or complain to its ISP. The website has been thoroughly debunked by and the Humane Society of the United States, among other prominent organizations.

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