Bus rapid transit

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Curitiba, Brazil's RIT was the first BRT system implemented in the world.

Bus rapid transit (BRT) is a term applied to a variety of public transportation systems using buses to provide faster, more efficient service than an ordinary bus line. Often this is achieved by making improvements to existing infrastructure, vehicles and scheduling. The goal of these systems is to approach the service quality of rail transit while still enjoying the cost savings and flexibility of bus transit. The expression BRT is mainly used in the Americas; in India, it is called BRTS (the additional 'S' stands for system); in Europe and Australia, it is often called a busway, while elsewhere, it may be called a quality bus. Although Indonesia's bus system was not the first version of BRT, it has the longest routes as of 2012 with more than overall, including in the capital city of Jakarta, and it has been implemented at least in six Indonesian cities.

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