Central Michigan University

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Warriner Hall at Central Michigan University

Central Michigan University (also known as CMU) is a public research university located in Mount Pleasant in the U.S. state of Michigan. Established in 1892, Central Michigan University is one of the nation’s 100 largest public universities and the fourth largest in Michigan (behind Michigan – Ann Arbor, Michigan State, and Wayne State) with more than 20,000 students on its Mount Pleasant campus and another 7,000 enrolled online and at more than 60 locations worldwide. CMU offers 200 academic programs at the undergraduate, master’s, specialist and doctoral levels, including nationally recognized programs in entrepreneurship, journalism, music, audiology, teacher education, psychology and physician assistant. CMU has also established a College of Medicine, scheduled to open in 2013. CMU competes in the NCAA’s Division I Mid-American Conference in seven men’s and nine women’s sports.

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