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Cumorah () (also known as Mormon Hill, Gold Bible Hill, and Inspiration Point) is a drumlin in Manchester, New York, where Joseph Smith, Jr. said he found a set of gold plates which he translated into English and published as the Book of Mormon.
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Hill Cumorah Pageant - official site Hill Cumorah Pageant - official site - Web |
Encounters with Cumorah: A Selective, Personal Bib... Encounters with Cumorah: A Selective, Personal Bibliography - Web |
The Geologic History of Hill Cumorah The Geologic History of Hill Cumorah - Web |
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History of the Church, Vol.1 History of the Church, Vol.1 - Web |
Return to Cumorah: One of largest Hill Cumorah Res... Return to Cumorah: One of largest Hill Cumorah Resource Sites - Web |
A Looked-for Exposure. Secrets of the Original ... A Looked-for Exposure. Secrets of the Original Mormon Bible. (New York Times, February 26, 1888) - Web |
Frederic G. Mather (1844–1925) "Early Days of Morm... Frederic G. Mather (1844–1925) "Early Days of Mormonism" Lippincott's Magazine 26:152 (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, Aug. 1880) - Web |