Democratic Republic of Afghanistan

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Archivo:Hafizullah Amin.jpg
Amin ruled Afghanistan for 104-days

The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) (Persian:جمهوری دمکراتی افغانستان‎, Jumhūree-ye Dimukrātee-ye Afghahnistān), (Pashto:دافغانستان دمکراتی جمهوریت, Dǝ Afġānistān Dimukratī Jumhūriyat), in 1987 renamed the Republic of Afghanistan (Persian:جمهوری افغانستان, Jumhūrī-ye Afġānistān, Pashto:د افغانستان جمهوریت, Dǝ Afġānistān Jumhūriyat), covers the period when the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) ruled the country. The PDPA came to power through a coup, popularly referred to as the Saur Revolution, which ousted the unpopular government of Mohammad Daoud Khan. Daoud was succeeded by Nur Muhammad Taraki as head of state and government on 30 April 1978. Taraki and Hafizullah Amin, the organiser of the Saur Revolution, introduced several unpopular reforms during their rule, the most notable being equal rights to women, universal education and land reform. Soon after taking power a power struggle began between the Khalqists led by Taraki and Amin and the Parchamites led by Babrak Karmal. The Khalqists won and the Parcham faction was purged from the party. The most prominent Parcham leaders were exiled to the Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union.

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