Languages of East Timor

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An East Timorese girl speaking (from clockwise) Bunak, Tetum, Fataluku and Portuguese. Translation: In Bunak/Tetum/Fataluku/Portuguese, we say: I am in Dili. I have some money. I do not have any money.

The languages of East Timor include both Austronesian and Papuan languages. (See Timor–Flores languages and West Trans–New Guinea languages.) The lingua franca and national language of East Timor is Tetum, an Austronesian language influenced by Portuguese, with which it has equal status as an official language. The language of the Ocussi exclave is Uab Meto. Fataluku, a Papuan language widely used in the eastern part of the country (often more so than Tetum) has official recognition under the constitution, as do other indigenous languages, including: Bekais, Bunak, Dawan, Fataluku, Galoli, Habun, Idalaka, Kawaimina, Kemak, Lovaia, Makalero, Mambai, Tokodede and Wetarese.

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