Mohammed Fahim

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Marshal Fahim standing next to former Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani and former Russian President Vladimir Putin in October 2001.

Mohammed Fahim (Persian: محمد فهيم; born 1957; also known as "Marshal Fahim") is an Afghan military commander, politician and the Vice President of Afghanistan since November 2009. He was the Defense Minister of the Afghan Transitional Administration, beginning in 2002 and also served as Vice President from June 2002 to December 2004. Marshal Fahim was replaced by Abdul Rahim Wardak, who was appointed as defense minister by President Hamid Karzai on December 23, 2004 when the transitional administration gave way to a popularly-elected administration. Marshal Fahim is a member of Afghanistan's Tajik ethnic group. He is the recipient of the Ahmad Shah Baba Medal. He is fluent in Persian, Pashto and Arabic, but doesn't speak English and is described as semi-literate. He is affiliated with Jamiat Islami (Shura-e Nazar) party of Afghanistan.

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