Pakistan Peoples Party

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Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, founder chairman and executed prime minister.

The Pakistan People's Party (PPP) was founded by former members of the now-defunct Pakistan Socialist Party, banned by then-Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan. In the 1960s, support for socialism as well as opposition to President Ayub Khan's pro-Western/pro-American policies mounted in West-Pakistan. Khan's unpopularity continued to grow following his decision to sign the Tashkent Agreement with rival India, in an effort to end the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965. The dismissal of charismatic democratic-socialist Zulfikar Ali Bhutto further angered and dismayed the public and the democratic-socialists, and made Bhutto determined to bring down the Khan government. As a result, a convention was held on November 30, 1967 in Lahore, where democratic-socialists and left-wing intellectuals gathered to meet with Bhutto at the residence of Dr. Mubashir Hassan, and the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was formed. The newly-formed party's members elected Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as its first chairman, and its manifesto, titled "Islam Is Our Religion; Democracy Is Our Politics; Socialism Is Our Economy; Power Lies With the People", was written by Bengali communist J. A. Rahim, and first issued on 9 December 1967.

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