Republican Sinn Féin

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RSF headquarters in Dublin

Republican Sinn Féin or RSF () is an unregistered minor political party operating in Ireland. It emerged in 1986 as a result of a split in Sinn Féin. The party views itself as representing "true" or "traditional" Irish republicanism, while in the mainstream media the party is portrayed as a political expression of "dissident republicanism". Republican Sinn Féin refuses to reject the use of political violence (see physical force Irish republicanism) and has been linked to the Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA). It holds that the Irish Republic continues to exist and that the Continuity Irish Republican Army Council is its de jure government (see Irish republican legitimatism). Hence, if elected, its members refuse to take their seats in both the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Oireachtas (see abstentionism).

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