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Scythians shooting with the Scythian bow, Kerch (antique Panticapeum), Ukraine, 4th century BC

The Scythians ( or ; from Greek ), or Scyths , were an Iranian nomadic people living in Scythia, the region encompassing the Pontic-Caspian steppe (in Eastern Europe) and parts of Central Asia throughout the Classical Antiquity. Much of the surviving information about the Scythians comes from the Greek historian Herodotus (c. 440 BC) in his Histories and Ovid in his poem of exile Epistulae ex Ponto, and archaeologically from the exquisite goldwork found in Scythian burial mounds in Ukraine and Southern Russia. Two of the largest Scythian tribal confederations were the Sarmatians of Western Scythia and the Amyrgians of Eastern Scythia.

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