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The Shekinah enters the Tabernacle. In traditional Judaism, unlike in some Christian culture, Divinity is not personified in visual imagery of a person. This accords with Maimonides' philosophical ruling of Divine incorporality, and the stress by Kabbalists of the metaphorical nature of their anthropomorphic concepts.

The word for Tabernacle, mishkan, is a derivative of the same root and is used in the sense of dwelling-place in the Bible, e.g. Psalm 132:5 ("Before I find a place for God, mishkanot (dwelling-places) for the Strong One of Israel.") Accordingly, in classic Jewish thought, the Shekhinah refers to a dwelling or settling in a special sense, a dwelling or settling of divine presence, to the effect that, while in proximity to the Shekhinah, the connection to God is more readily perceivable.

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