South Pole–Aitken basin

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Topographical map of the South Pole-Aitken basin based on Kaguya data. Red represents high elevation, purple low elevation. The purple and red elliptical rings trace the inner and outer walls of the basin. (The black ring is an old artifact of the image.)

The South Pole–Aitken basin is a huge impact crater on the far side of Earth's Moon. Roughly in diameter and deep, it is one of the largest known impact craters in the Solar System. It is the largest, oldest and deepest basin recognized on the Moon. This moon basin was named for two features on opposing sides; the crater Aitken on the northern end and the southern lunar pole at the other end. The outer rim of this basin can be seen from Earth as a huge chain of mountains located on the lunar southern limb, sometimes called "Leibnitz mountains", although this name has not been considered official by the International Astronomical Union.

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