West African Vodun

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Voodoo altar with several fetishes in Abomey, Benin.

Contrary to popular beliefs, in West African vodun, spells are not cast upon someone. Vodun is only a spiritual cult in which an important part is devoted to the cult of the ancestors. Even if the origin of humanity and the world are explained in vodun mythology, it is not a centered question of the faith. The followers believe that the answer to such question is beyond human reach. Priority is given to the ancestors with them interceding on behalf of their families and descendant towards the Almighty. If an Almighty creator is recognized in vodun pantheon, the believers do not address themselves to that particular deity. Only the Loas, the messengers with the help of the dead have that access. In order to communicate and pray every clan and sometimes each family root have their own vodun sometimes called Assanyì as vodun can also be translated as “The spirit of those who have passed before us”. The family vodun is often associated with a known higher spirit of the standard pantheon, but is distinctive to each family (clan). This distinctiveness is the Clan vodun is also an assertion of identity and origin with cult and worshiping process specific to a family collective.

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