Air freshener

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Air fresheners from Febreze

Air fresheners are consumer products used in homes or commercial products used in restrooms that typically emit fragrance. There are two broad air freshener categories: continuous action and instant action. Continuous action products include: scented candles and devices which use a candle flame or some other heat source to heat and vaporize a fragrance formulation; Incense burners; wall plug-ins which either use piezoelectric technology to aerosolize fragrance or heat to vaporize it; fragrance impregnated gels which release fragrance as the gel evaporates sometimes with the help of an electric fan; wick and reed diffusers which release fragrance by evaporation from fragrance-soaked wicks or wooden reeds; and fragrance impregnated materials like floor wax, paper, plastics, wood which release fragrance by off gassing; and lastly nebulization systems which convert liquid fragrances into a vapor in a cold process without the use of heat.

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