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Anchorite's cell in Skipton |
Anchorite (female: anchoress; adj. anchoritic; from , anachōreō, signifying "to withdraw", "to depart into the rural countryside") denotes someone who, for religious reasons, withdraws from secular society so as to be able to lead an intensely prayer-oriented, ascetic, and—circumstances permitting—Eucharist-focused life. As a result, anchorites are usually considered to be a type of religious hermit, although there are distinctions in their historical development and theology.
- Related: Asceticism, Book of the First Monks, Cenobite, Christian monasticism, Consecrated life, Hermit, Nazirite, Shugendō, Sadhu, Stylite
Diocese of Kerry - Skellig Michael Diocese of Kerry - Skellig Michael - Web |
The Anchorhold at All Saints Church, King's Lynn, ... The Anchorhold at All Saints Church, King's Lynn, Norfolk - Web |
Chapter 1 of The Rule of Saint Benedict re: Anchor... Chapter 1 of The Rule of Saint Benedict re: Anchorites - Web |
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The Way of an Anchoress The Way of an Anchoress - Web |
Anchorite Cell at St Luke's Church in Duston Anchorite Cell at St Luke's Church in Duston - Web |
Marsha, Anchoritic Spirituality in Medieval Englan... Marsha, Anchoritic Spirituality in Medieval England: The Form, the Substance, the Rule - Web |
Rotha Mary Clay, Full Text plus illustrations, The... Rotha Mary Clay, Full Text plus illustrations, The Hermits and Anchorites of England. - Web |
Rotha Mary Clay, The Hermits and Anchorites of Eng... Rotha Mary Clay, The Hermits and Anchorites of England, Chapter VII: Anchorites in Church and Cloister - Web |
Ancrene Wisse, Introduction Ancrene Wisse, Introduction - Web |
anchorite? anchorite? - Web |
Text of canon 603 of The Code of Canon Law (1983, ... Text of canon 603 of The Code of Canon Law (1983, Latin edition) re: Anchorites as members of the Consecrated Life in the Catholic Church - Web |
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Text of canon 603 of The Code of Canon Law (1983, ... Text of canon 603 of The Code of Canon Law (1983, English translation) re: Anchorites as members of the Consecrated Life in the Catholic Church - Web |