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![]() The Apicius maunscript (ca. 900 AD) of the monastery of Fulda in Germany, which was acquired in 1929 by the New York Academy of Medicine |
Apicius is the title of a collection of Roman cookery recipes, usually thought to have been compiled in the late 4th or early 5th century AD and written in a language that is in many ways closer to Vulgar than to Classical Latin.
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Bibliotheca Augustana: De Re Coquinaria Libri Dece... Bibliotheca Augustana: De Re Coquinaria Libri Decem www.fh-augsburg.de/.../api_intr.html - Web |
Text of the cookbook in Latin Text of the cookbook in Latin www.thelatinlibrary.com/apicius.html - Web |
Another version of the Latin text (source not stat... Another version of the Latin text (source not stated) users.ipa.net/~tanker/apicius.htm - Web |
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Vehling English translation Vehling English translation penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Apicius/home.html - Web |
Diplomatic version of the Latin text, with paralle... Diplomatic version of the Latin text, with parallel English translation and modern redaction of the recipes. www.celtnet.org.uk/recipes/apicius-coquinaria.php - Web |
How to prepare a 5 courses ancient Roman banquet b... How to prepare a 5 courses ancient Roman banquet by Apicius www.madeinmilanwine.com/ENG/campaign.php - Web |
James Grout's Apicius, part of the Encyclopædia Ro... James Grout's Apicius, part of the Encyclopædia Romana penelope.uchicago.edu/.../apicius.html - Web |
Partial re-translation from a German translation, ... Partial re-translation from a German translation, adapted for modern cooking styles www-2.cs.cmu.edu/.../ant-rom-coll.html - Web |