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The ancient Arachosia and the Pactyan people during 500 BC.

Arachosia is the Hellenized name of an ancient satrapy in the eastern part of the Achaemenid, Seleucid and Parthian empires. Arachosia was centred around Arghandab valley in modern-day southern Afghanistan, and extended east to as far as the Indus River in modern-day Pakistan. The main river of Arachosia was called Arachōtós, now known as the Arghandab River, a tributary of the Helmand River. The Greek term "Arachosia" corresponds to the Aryan land of Harauti which was around modern-day Helmand. The Arachosian capital or metropolis was called Alexandria and laid in what is today Kandahar in Afghanistan.

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