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Ballarat's tent city in the summer of 1853–1854 oil painting from an original sketch by Eugene von Guerard.

Ballarat () is a city located on the Yarrowee River and lower western plains of the Great Dividing Range in the state of Victoria, Australia, approximately west-north-west of the state capital; Melbourne. With an estimated urban area population of just over 94,000 people, Ballarat is the third most populous urban area in the state. One of the Australia's most populated inland settlements, it is the most populous in the state and fifth in the country. In the late 19th Century and up to the 1920s, the terms Ballaratians and Ballaratites were used for inhabitants of the city, with Ballafornians (there was a sizable number of miners who had been at the Californian 1848 gold rush who then participated in the Ballarat gold rush)mentioned in one source. However, there is no term used commonly used at present.

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