Bloomberg Terminal

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A six-screen Bloomberg terminal in use at Bloomberg West

The Bloomberg Terminal is a computer system provided by Bloomberg L.P. that enables professionals in finance and other industries to access the Bloomberg Professional service through which users can monitor and analyze real-time financial market data movements and place trades on the electronic trading platform. The system also provides news, price quotes, and messaging across its proprietary secure network. Most large financial firms have subscriptions to the Bloomberg Professional service. Many exchanges charge their own additional fees for access to real time price feeds across the terminal. The same applies to various news organizations. All Bloomberg Terminals are leased in two-year cycle, with leases based on how many displays are connected to each terminal. Most Bloomberg setups have between two and six displays. It is available for a monthly fee of $1,500 a user ($1,800 a month for the small number of firms that use only one terminal). As of May 2010, there were 310,000 Bloomberg Terminal subscribers worldwide.

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