Book of hours
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![]() Book of hours, Paris c. 1410. Miniature of the Annunciation, with the start of Matins in the Little Office, the beginning of the texts after the calendar in the usual arrangement. |
The book of hours was a devotional book popular in the later Middle Ages. It is the most common type of surviving medieval illuminated manuscript. Like every manuscript, each manuscript book of hours is unique in one way or another, but most contain a similar collection of texts, prayers and psalms, often with appropriate decorations, for Christian devotion. Illumination or decoration is minimal in many examples, often restricted to decorated capital letters at the start of psalms and other prayers, but books made for wealthy patrons may be extremely lavish, with full-page miniatures.
- Related: Canonical hours, Horologion
Sacred Image and Illusion in Late Flemish Manuscri... Sacred Image and Illusion in Late Flemish Manuscripts - Web |
Abebooks, Collecting Books of Hours Abebooks, Collecting Books of Hours - Web |
541 examples from the Digital Scriptorium 541 examples from the Digital Scriptorium - Web |
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Book of Hours Tutorial Book of Hours Tutorial - Web |
Blog: PECIA/ Le manuscrit médiéval ~ The medieval ... Blog: PECIA/ Le manuscrit médiéval ~ The medieval manuscript - Web |
Lavishly illustrated Books of Hours, 13th - 16th c... Lavishly illustrated Books of Hours, 13th - 16th century, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Libraries - Web |
The Sforza hours The Sforza hours - Web |
Book of Hours (Ms. Library of Congress. Rosenwald ... Book of Hours (Ms. Library of Congress. Rosenwald ms. 10) - Web |
Picturing Prayer Picturing Prayer - Web |
Book of Hours, of Premonstratensian Use Book of Hours, of Premonstratensian Use - Web |
A Hypertext Book of Hours; full texts and translat... A Hypertext Book of Hours; full texts and translation - Web |
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Late Medieval and Renaissance Illuminated Manuscri... Late Medieval and Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts - Books of Hours 1400-1530 - Web |