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A carriage is a wheeled vehicle for people, usually horse-drawn; litters (palanquins) and sedan chairs are excluded, since they are wheelless vehicles. The carriage is especially designed for private passenger use and for comfort or elegance, though some are also used to transport goods. It may be light, smart and fast or heavy, large and comfortable. Carriages normally have suspension using leaf springs, elliptical springs (in the 19th century) or leather strapping. A public passenger vehicle would not usually be called a carriage – terms for such include stagecoach, charabanc and omnibus. Working vehicles such as the (four-wheeled) wagon and (two-wheeled) cart share important parts of the history of the carriage, as does the fast (two-wheeled) chariot.
- Related: Driving (horse), Horse-drawn vehicle, Horse harness, Howdah, Wagon
19th century American carriages: Their manufacture... 19th century American carriages: Their manufacture, decoration and use. - Web |
19th Century Transportation-Carriages. 19th Century Transportation-Carriages. - Web |
All About Romance Novels - Carriages in Regency & ... All About Romance Novels - Carriages in Regency & Victorian Times. - Web |
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Driving for Pleasure, Or The Harness Stable and it... Driving for Pleasure, Or The Harness Stable and its Appointments by Francis Underhill, 1896. - Web |
An Encyclopædia of Domestic Economy, Comprising Su... An Encyclopædia of Domestic Economy, Comprising Subjects Connected with the Interests of Every Individual..., by Thomas Webster and William Parkes, 1855. - Web |
Doctor Brown with horses and carriage, Charters To... Doctor Brown with horses and carriage, Charters Towers, ca. 1890 - Web |
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English Pleasure Carriages: Their Origin, History,... English Pleasure Carriages: Their Origin, History, Varieties, Materials, Construction, Defects, Improvements, and Capabilities: With an Analysis of the Construction of Common Roads and Railroads, and the Public Vehicles Used on Them; Together with Descriptions of New Inventions by William Bridges Adams, 1837. - Web |
Four wheeled vehicles. Four wheeled vehicles. - Web |
Georgian Index - Carriages. Georgian Index - Carriages. - Web |
The History of Coaches, by George Athelstane Thrup... The History of Coaches, by George Athelstane Thrupp, 1877. - Web |
Horse-drawn Transportation Clipart etc. Horse-drawn Transportation Clipart etc. - Web |
JASNA Northern California Region. JASNA Northern California Region. - Web |
The Kinross Carriageworks, Stirling (Scotland), 18... The Kinross Carriageworks, Stirling (Scotland), 1802-1966. - Web |
Lexique du cheval! Lexikon of Carriage driving Lexique du cheval! Lexikon of Carriage driving - Web |
Modern carriages, by W. Gilbey, 1905. Modern carriages, by W. Gilbey, 1905. - Web |
Online Information article about carriage Online Information article about carriage - Web |
Passenger Vehicles Passenger Vehicles - Web |
Science and Society Picture Library - Search Science and Society Picture Library - Search - Web |
Treatise on Carriages. Comprehending Coaches, Char... Treatise on Carriages. Comprehending Coaches, Chariots, Phaetons, Curricles, Whiskeys, &c. Together with Their Proper Harness. In Which the Fair Prices of Every Article are Accurately Stated, by William Felton, coachmaker, 1794. - Web |
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