Chinese Soviet Republic

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One yuan bill with Vladimir Lenin's image in the centre.

The Chinese Soviet Republic (CSR, ), also known as the Soviet Republic of China or the China Soviet Republic, and often referred to in historical literature as the Jiangxi Soviet (after its largest component territory, the Jiangxi-Fujian Soviet), was a state established in November 1931 by future Communist Party of China leader, Mao Zedong, general Zhu De and others and lasted until 1937. Some other discontiguous territories included: Northeastern Jiangxi Soviet, Hunan-Jiangxi Soviet, Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Soviet, Hunan-Western Hubei Soviet, Hunan-Hubei-Sichuan-Guizhou Soviet, Shaanxi-Gansu Soviet, Szechuan-Shensi Soviet, Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet, Honghu Soviet and Haifeng-Lufeng Soviet in eastern Guangdong, China's first Soviet territory, had been dismantled before the declaration of the CSR and is considered a predecessor rather than a constituent part.

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