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The Gay Head cliffs in Martha's Vineyard consist almost entirely of clay. |
Clay is a general term including many combinations of one or more clay minerals with traces of metal oxides and organic matter. Geologic clay deposits are mostly composed of phyllosilicate minerals containing variable amounts of water trapped in the mineral structure.
- See also: Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Commons
- Related: Clay minerals, Bentonite, Ceramic, Clay (industrial plasticine), Clay animation, Clay court, Clay pit, Geophagy, Expansive clay, London Clay, Modelling clay, Paperclay, Particle size, Plasticine, Pottery, Vertisol, Graham Cairns-Smith
Building the Phyllosilicates Building the Phyllosilicates - Web |
The Clay Minerals Group of the Mineralogical Socie... The Clay Minerals Group of the Mineralogical Society - Web |
Clay Whistles Clay Whistles - Web |
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Information about clays used in the UK pottery ind... Information about clays used in the UK pottery industry - Web |
The Clay Minerals Society The Clay Minerals Society - Web |
Plasticity of clay Plasticity of clay - Web |
Organic Matter in Clays Organic Matter in Clays - Web |