Confederación General del Trabajo
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CGT demonstration in Barcelona, October 2005 |
The General Confederation of Labour () of Spain is an Anarcho-Syndicalist trade union, arisen from the 1979 split of CNT/AIT after the arrival of democracy and the following reorganization and restructuring process of the trade unions.
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Confederación General del Trabajo Confederación General del Trabajo - Web |
CGT Catalunya CGT Catalunya - Web |
'Rojo y Negro' Newspaper/Periodico CGT 'Rojo y Negro' Newspaper/Periodico CGT - Web |
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Estatutos de la C.G.T. Estatutos de la C.G.T. - Web |
Fundación Salvador Segui - Fundación de Estudios L... Fundación Salvador Segui - Fundación de Estudios Libertarios - Web |
The Spanish CGT - The New Anarcho-syndicalism The Spanish CGT - The New Anarcho-syndicalism - Web |
Spain: CGT is now the third biggest union Spain: CGT is now the third biggest union - Web |