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Archivo:Osoaviakhim Wall Badge.jpg
These plaster Osoaviakhim badges were affixed to buildings where residents have donated a preset amount of money to Osoaviakhim

DOSAAF (), full name Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Fleet (), was a paramilitary sport organization in the Soviet Union, primarily concerned with fields related to weapons, automobiles and aviation. The society was preserved in a number of post-Soviet Republics, e.g., in Russia and Belarus. The name is changed in some of them, e.g., in Ukraine the counterpart is "Society of Assistance to Defense of Ukraine", and in Russia in December, 1991 it was reformed into the Russian Defence Sports-Technical Organization Российская оборонная спортивно-техническая организация - РОСТО. In December 2009 РОСТО was renamed DOSAAF Russia.

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