David C. Jewitt

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David Jewitt.

David C. Jewitt is a professor of astronomy in the Earth and Space Science Department of UCLA. He was born in 1958 in England, and is a 1979 graduate of the University of London. Jewitt received an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in astronomy at the California Institute of Technology in 1980 and 1983, respectively. His research interests cover all aspects of the solar system, including the trans-Neptunian Solar System, Solar System formation, ice in the asteroids and the physical properties of comets. Along with Jane Luu, he discovered the first Kuiper belt object in 1992 and subsequently identified dozens of additional belt members in a series of pioneering wide field surveys. From these, he discovered that the belt is dynamically divided into regions - the Classical Kuiper belt (circular, uninclined orbits, exemplified by 1992 QB1), the Scattered Kuiper Belt (also called Scattered Disk: large elliptical orbits with perihelion near Neptune, discovered in 1997) and the resonant objects (whose periods are related simply to Neptune's). The resonant objects in the 3:2 mean-motion resonance he called "plutinos" as a reminder that Pluto is one such object. These resonant objects can only be explained if Neptune migrated outwards, opening the door to new models of the solar system in which unsuspected planet-disk and planet-planet interactions can be important.

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