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![]() A shelf cloud along the leading edge of a derecho photographed in Minnesota |
A derecho (, Plantilla:Respell, from , , "straight") is a widespread, long-lived, straight-line windstorm that is associated with a fast-moving band of severe thunderstorms. Generally, derechos are convection-induced and take on a bow echo form of squall line, forming in an area of wind divergence in the upper levels of the troposphere, within a region of low-level warm air advection and rich low-level moisture. They travel quickly in the direction of movement of their associated storms, similar to an outflow boundary (gust front), except that the wind is sustained and increases in strength behind the front, generally exceeding hurricane-force. A warm-weather phenomenon, derechos occur mostly in summer, especially during June and July in the Northern Hemisphere, within areas of moderately strong instability and moderately strong vertical wind shear. They may occur at any time of the year and occur as frequently at night as during the daylight hours.
- See also: Wikipedia
- Related: Convective storm detection, Extreme weather, Mesocyclone
Facts about derechos Facts about derechos - Web |
What is a derecho? What is a derecho? - Web |
What is a derecho? What is a derecho? - Web |
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Derecho Hazards in the United States Derecho Hazards in the United States - Web |
Origin of the term "Derecho" as a Severe Weather E... Origin of the term "Derecho" as a Severe Weather Event - Web |