Evolutionary psychology
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![]() Nobel Laureates Nikolaas Tinbergen (left) and Konrad Lorenz (right) who were, with Karl von Frisch, acknowledged for work on animal behavior |
Evolutionary psychology (EP) is an approach in the social and natural sciences that examines psychological traits such as memory, perception, and language from a modern evolutionary perspective. It seeks to identify which human psychological traits are evolved adaptations – that is, the functional products of natural selection or sexual selection. Adaptationist thinking about physiological mechanisms, such as the heart, lungs, and immune system, is common in evolutionary biology. Some evolutionary psychologists apply the same thinking to psychology, arguing that the mind has a modular structure similar to that of the body, with different modular adaptations serving different functions. Evolutionary psychologists argue that much of human behavior is the output of psychological adaptations that evolved to solve recurrent problems in human ancestral environments.
- See also: Wikipedia
- Related: Behavioural genetics, Biocultural evolution, Darwinian literary studies, Ethnic nepotism, Evolutionary neuroscience, Human behavioral ecology, Universal Darwinism
What Is Evolutionary Psychology? by Clinical Evolu... What Is Evolutionary Psychology? by Clinical Evolutionary Psychologist Dale Glaebach www.systemsthinker.com/.../glabachwhatisep.shtml - Web |
Evolutionary Psychology-Approaches in Psychology Evolutionary Psychology-Approaches in Psychology www.psychegames.com/evolutionary-psychology.htm - Web |
Human Behavior and Evolution Society Human Behavior and Evolution Society www.hbes.com - Web |
Average relevance
The International Society for Human Ethology The International Society for Human Ethology evolution.anthro.univie.ac.at/ishe - Web |
European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association www.ehbea.com - Web |
The Association for Politics and the Life Sciences The Association for Politics and the Life Sciences www.aplsnet.org - Web |
Society for Evolutionary Analysis in Law Society for Evolutionary Analysis in Law www.sealsite.org - Web |
The New England Institute for Cognitive Science an... The New England Institute for Cognitive Science and Evolutionary Psychology www.une.edu/nei/ - Web |
The NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society The NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society www.neepsociety.com - Web |
Feminist Evolutionary Psychology Society Feminist Evolutionary Psychology Society fepsociety.org - Web |
Evolutionary Psychology Evolutionary Psychology www.epjournal.net - Web |
Low relevance
Evolution and Human Behavior Evolution and Human Behavior www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10905138 - Web |
Politics and the Life Sciences Politics and the Life Sciences www.politicsandthelifesciences.org - Web |
Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Persp... Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective www.springer.com/.../12110 - Web |
Biological Theory: Integrating Development, Evolut... Biological Theory: Integrating Development, Evolution and Cognition www.kli.ac.at/publications-a.html - Web |
Evolutionary Anthropology Evolutionary Anthropology www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=38641 - Web |
Evolution and Development Evolution and Development www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118546131/home - Web |
The Evolutionary Review – Art, Science, and Cultur... The Evolutionary Review – Art, Science, and Culture www.evolutionaryreview.com/ed.htm - Web |
Brief video clip re what EP is (from the "Evolutio... Brief video clip re what EP is (from the "Evolution" PBS Series) www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEmX8Rim-hs - Web |
TED talk TED talk www.ted.com/.../steven_pinker_chalks_it_up_to_the_blank_slate.html - Web |
RSA talk RSA talk www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWHlvFiv70Q - Web |
Richard Dawkins' lecture on natural selection and ... Richard Dawkins' lecture on natural selection and evolutionary psychology www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzJUCG7L9I4 - Web |
Evolutionary Psychology-Steven Pinker & Frans de W... Evolutionary Psychology-Steven Pinker & Frans de Waal www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3X5AuKE9rg - Web |
Stone Age Minds: A conversation with evolutionary ... Stone Age Minds: A conversation with evolutionary psychologists Leda Cosmides and John Tooby www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNW_B8EwgH4 - Web |
Margaret Mead and Samoa Margaret Mead and Samoa video.google.com/.../videoplay?docid=4165874976901589227&q=margaret+mead+and+samoa&total=8&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0 - Web |
Secrets of the Tribe Secrets of the Tribe vimeo.com/18751423 - Web |
Video interview Video interview video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3554279466299738997 - Web |
Video interview Video interview video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4975549474851602314 - Web |