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![]() An oceanic phytoplankton bloom in the South Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Argentina. Encouraging such blooms with iron fertilization could lock up carbon on the seabed. |
The concept of geoengineering (or climate engineering, climate remediation, and climate intervention) refers to "the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate system, in order to moderate global warming". The discipline divides broadly into two categories, as described by the Royal Society: "Carbon dioxide removal techniques [which] address the root cause of climate change by removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
- See also: Wikipedia
- Related: Arctic geoengineering, Carbon sink, Carbon negative fuel, Carbon dioxide removal, Carbon sequestration, Five Ways to Save the World, Solar radiation management, Terraforming, Virgin Earth Challenge, Weather control
Climate Engineering Climate Engineering - Web |
Engineering the Climate : Research Needs and Strat... Engineering the Climate : Research Needs and Strategies for International Coordination October 2010 report - Web |
Cost evaluation study of 6 geoengineering schemes Cost evaluation study of 6 geoengineering schemes - Web |
Gallery for «Geoengineering»
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What the UN ban on geoengineering really means What the UN ban on geoengineering really means - Web |
Geoengineering sparks international ban, first-eve... Geoengineering sparks international ban, first-ever congressional report - Web |
Threat of global warming sparks U.S. interest in g... Threat of global warming sparks U.S. interest in geoengineering - Web |
Re-Engineering the Earth Re-Engineering the Earth - Web |
Geoengineering Retrospective Geoengineering Retrospective - Web |
Geo-engineering website, describing current method... Geo-engineering website, describing current methods/proposals done to revert climate change by geo-engineering - Web |
Geoengineering links Geoengineering links - Web |
"The Geoengineering Gambit" "The Geoengineering Gambit" - Web |
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10 Ideas That Are Changing The World: 6.Geoenginee... 10 Ideas That Are Changing The World: 6.Geoengineering,28804,1720049_1720050_1721653,00.html - Web |
Geo-engineering in the Southern Ocean Geo-engineering in the Southern Ocean - Web |
Climate Engineering Is Doable, as Long as We Never... Climate Engineering Is Doable, as Long as We Never Stop - Web |
"Geoengineering: A Climate Change Manhattan Projec... "Geoengineering: A Climate Change Manhattan Project" - Web |
Terraforming Earth IV: The Question of Methane Terraforming Earth IV: The Question of Methane - Web |
"Futuristic fleet of 'cloudseeders'" "Futuristic fleet of 'cloudseeders'" - Web |
Geoengineering: 'A Bad Idea Whose Time Has Come' Geoengineering: 'A Bad Idea Whose Time Has Come' - Web |
We need birth control, not geoengineering We need birth control, not geoengineering - Web |
Bill Gates' cloud-whitening trials 'a dangerous ex... Bill Gates' cloud-whitening trials 'a dangerous experiment' - Web |
The powerful coalition that wants to engineer the ... The powerful coalition that wants to engineer the world's climate: Businessmen, scientists and right-wing thinktanks are joining forces to promote 'geo-engineering' ideas to cool the planet's climate - Web |
Field test stashes climate-warming carbon in deep ... Field test stashes climate-warming carbon in deep ocean; Strategically dumping metal puts greenhouse gas away, possibly for good - Web |
A Debate on Geoengineering: Vandana Shiva vs. Gwyn... A Debate on Geoengineering: Vandana Shiva vs. Gwynne Dyer - Web |
5 ways to save the earth 5 ways to save the earth - Web |
Wonderfest 2010: Dare We Try to Engineer Earth's C... Wonderfest 2010: Dare We Try to Engineer Earth's Climate? - Web |