Heim theory

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Artist's conception of a warp drive design. Heim theory proposes timelike extra dimensions of space to permit faster than light travel.

Heim theory is a physics theory, initially proposed by a German physicist, the late Burkhard Heim, that attempts to develop a theory of everything. Heim theory's six dimensional model was later extended to eight and twelve dimensions, in collaboration with W. Dröscher. Walter Dröscher and Jochem Hauser, professor and former head of the Aero- and Aerothermodynamics Dept. of the European Space Agency have attempted to apply it to nonconventional space propulsion and faster than light concepts, as well as the origin of dark matter. Heim theory has been criticized because much of the original work and subsequent theories were not initially peer reviewed. Heim eventually published some of his work in 1977 and more recently aspects of Extended Heim Theory have also been submitted to the scientific community's inspection.Hauser, J., Dröscher, W., Emerging Physics for Novel Field Propulsion Science
Paper presented at the Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum SPESIF-2010, Johns Hopkins - APL, Laurel, Maryland, 23–25 February 2010,

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