Increase A. Lapham

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Lapham examining a meteorite which had fallen in Wisconsin in 1868

Lapham is considered "Wisconsin's first great scientist" and the "Father of the U.S Weather Service,"Moore, Willis L. Storms and Weather Forecasts. The National Geographic Magazine, v. 8, n. 3, Mar. 1897, p. 67. (copy)</ref> based upon his lobbying to Congress and the Smithsonian Institution to create such an agency to forecast storms on the Great Lakes and both coasts.Miller, Eric R. New light on the beginnings of the Weather Bureau from the papers of Increase A. Lapham. Monthly Weather Review, v. 59, iss. 2, Feb. 1931, pp. 65–70.</ref> When the agency was created through the U.S. Secretary of War, Lapham made the first such accurate Great Lakes storm warning from Chicago.

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