John Oxley

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John Oxley

John Oxley was born in 1783 at Kirkham Abbey near Westow in Yorkshire, UK. In 1799, he entered the Royal Navy when he was aged 16 as a midshipman on the 'Venerable'. He travelled to Africa in October 1802 as master's mate of the naval vessel Buffalo, which carried out coastal surveying (including the survey of Western Port). In 1805 Oxley was promoted to second lieutenant. In 1806 he commanded the Estramina on a trip to Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania). He returned to England in 1807 and was appointed first lieutenant of Porpoise, joining her in 1808. In 1809 Porpoise visited Van Diemen's Land, carrying as a passenger Governor William Bligh, who had been deposed in the Rum Rebellion.

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