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![]() A monument at the Texas State Capitol depicting the Ten Commandments revered in Judaism and Christianity |
Judeo-Christian (also Abrahamism) is a term used in a historical sense to refer to the connections between the precursors of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism in the Second Temple period, especially in the United States.
- See also: Wikipedia, Wiktionary
- Related: American civil religion, Law and Gospel, Supersessionism, Antinomianism, Judaizers, Noahides, Ebionites, Messianic Judaism, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian-Islamic, Abrahamites
Multimedia Information on the Judeo-Christian Move... Multimedia Information on the Judeo-Christian Movement www.crom.tv - Web |
What does 'Judeo-Christian' mean? What does 'Judeo-Christian' mean? www.jewishworldreview.com/0304/prager_2004_03_30_04.php3 - Web |
Dennis Prager Publishes 19 part Series On Judeo-Ch... Dennis Prager Publishes 19 part Series On Judeo-Christian Values www.traditionalvalues.org/modules.php?sid=2368 - Web |
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A Judeo-Christian Looks at the Judeo-Christian Tra... A Judeo-Christian Looks at the Judeo-Christian Tradition www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=188 - Web |
Jews, Christians and the Word of God Jews, Christians and the Word of God menorah.by.ru/english.htm - Web |
The Episcopal-Jewish Alliance for Israel The Episcopal-Jewish Alliance for Israel epjafi.tripod.com/history.html - Web |
Different theology,same morality Different theology,same morality worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=43314 - Web |
Institute for Jewish Christian Understanding of Mu... Institute for Jewish Christian Understanding of Muhlenberg College www.muhlenberg.edu/cultural/ijcu/ - Web |
A message from the president A message from the president www.americancongressfortruth.com - Web |