Landsat program
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The Landsat program is the longest running enterprise for acquisition of satellite imagery of Earth. On July 23, 1972 the Earth Resources Technology Satellite was launched. This was eventually renamed to Landsat. The most recent, Landsat 7, was launched on April 15, 1999. The instruments on the Landsat satellites have acquired millions of images. The images, archived in the United States and at Landsat receiving stations around the world, are a unique resource for global change research and applications in agriculture, cartography, geology, forestry, regional planning, surveillance, education and national security. Landsat 7 data has eight spectral bands with spatial resolutions ranging from 15 to 60 meters; the temporal resolution is 16 days.
- Related: Remote sensing
Landsat homepage Landsat homepage - Web |
Landsat NASA homepage Landsat NASA homepage - Web | Home Page Home Page - Web |
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Atlogis Maps Atlogis Maps - Web |
Landsat imagery for circa 1975, 1990 and 2000 visu... Landsat imagery for circa 1975, 1990 and 2000 visualised in Google Earth (required GE installed) - Web |