Lao cuisine

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A Lao meal in Luang Prabang, Laos.

Lao cuisine is the cuisine of Laos, which is distinct from other Southeast Asian cuisines. Laos shares borders with neighboring countries and as a result, Lao cuisine has strongly influenced (and been influenced by) the neighboring cuisine of Northeastern Thailand (Isan) and some Lao culinary influences have also reached Cambodia and Northern Thailand (Lanna). The staple food of Laotians is steamed sticky rice which is eaten by hand. In fact, Laotians eat more sticky rice than any group or people in the world; sticky rice is considered the essence of what it means to be "Lao" -- many Laotians even referred to themselves as, "Luk Khao Niaow", which can be translated as, "children/descendants of sticky rice". Galangal, lemongrass and padaek (Lao fish sauce) are important ingredients. The most famous Lao dish is Larb (; sometimes also spelled laap), a spicy mixture of marinated meat and/or fish that is sometimes raw (prepared like ceviche) with a variable combination of herbs, greens, and spices. Another of Lao people's delectable invention is a spicy green Papaya salad dish known as tam mak hoong () or more famously known to the West as som tam

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