Latin America
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![]() The Parc de l'Amérique-Latine in Quebec City, the capital of a French speaking province in Canada, celebrates the cultural ties between Quebec and the other people who speak a Romance language in the Americas. |
Latin America ( or Latinoamérica; ; ) is a region of the Americas where Romance languages (i.e., those derived from Latin) – particularly Spanish and Portuguese, and variably French – are primarily spoken. Latin America has an area of approximately 21,069,500 km² (7,880,000 sq mi), almost 3.9% of the Earth's surface or 14.1% of its land surface area. As of 2010, its population was estimated at more than 590 million and its combined GDP at 5.16 trillion United States dollars (6.27 trillion at PPP). The Latin American expected economic growth rate is at about 5.7% for 2010 and 4% in 2011. According to Phelan (1968, p. 296), the term "Latin America" was first used in 1861 in La revue des races Latines, a magazine 'dedicated to the cause of Pan-Latinism'.
- Related: Hispanic America, Hispanic, Portuguese America, Ibero-America, Anglo-America, Southern Cone, Latin Americans, Latin American culture, Latin American studies, Agroecology in Latin America, Americas (terminology), Pan-Americanism, Caribbean Community, Central America, Andean Community, Mercosur
IDB Education Initiative IDB Education Initiative,6887.html - Web |
Latin Intelligence Service Latin Intelligence Service - Web |
Latin American Network Information Center Latin American Network Information Center - Web |
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Latin America Data Base Latin America Data Base - Web |
Washington Office on Latin America Washington Office on Latin America - Web |
Council on Hemispheric Affairs Council on Hemispheric Affairs - Web |
Infolatam. Information and analysis of Latin Ameri... Infolatam. Information and analysis of Latin America - Web |
Latinvex. News and analysis of Latin America Latinvex. News and analysis of Latin America - Web |
Map of Land Cover: Latin America and Caribbean (FA... Map of Land Cover: Latin America and Caribbean (FAO) - Web |
Lessons From Latin America Lessons From Latin America - Web |
Keeping Latin America on the World News Agenda Keeping Latin America on the World News Agenda - Web |
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Cold War in Latin America, CSU Pomona University Cold War in Latin America, CSU Pomona University - Web |
Latin America Cold War Resources, Yale University Latin America Cold War Resources, Yale University - Web |
Latin America Cold War, Harvard University Latin America Cold War, Harvard University - Web |