London School of Economics

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Friedrich Hayek, who taught at LSE during the 1930 and 1940s

The London School of Economics and Political Science (informally the London School of Economics or LSE) is a public research university specialised in the social sciences located in London, United Kingdom, and a constituent college of the federal University of London. Founded in 1895 by Fabian Society members Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb and George Bernard Shaw, LSE joined the University of London in 1900 and degrees were first issued to its students in 1902. Despite its name, it conducts teaching and research across the entire range of the social sciences - accounting and finance, anthropology, applied statistics, actuarial science, economic history, economics, geography, government, history, international development, international relations (which LSE pioneered as a study), law, management, philosophy, politics, psychology, social policy and sociology - as well as in logic and the scientific method, mathematics and statistics.

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