MIT Media Lab
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Archivo:The MIT Media Lab - Flickr - Knight Foundation.jpg The MIT Media Lab |
The MIT Media Lab is an interdisciplinary research laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology devoted to projects at the convergence of technology, multimedia and design. Students with backgrounds ranging from engineering, computer science, physics, education, music and others make up the graduate student community at the Lab. The Media Lab has been widely popularized since the 1990s by business and technology publications such as Wired and Red Herring for a series of practical inventions in the fields of wireless networks, field sensing, web browsers and the World Wide Web. More recently, it has also focused particularly on design and technologies that address social causes. The One Laptop per Child (OLPC) was one of the notable research efforts which grew out of the Media Lab.
- See also: Wikipedia
- Related: SixthSense (device), Wiesner building
Official site Official site - Web |
LabCAST LabCAST - Web |
LabCAST Media Lab episode LabCAST Media Lab episode - Web |
Gallery for «MIT Media Lab»
- The MIT Media Lab - Flickr - Knight Foundation.jpg
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