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![]() Christ Pantocrator seated in a capital "U" in an illuminated manuscript from the Badische Landesbibliothek, Germany. |
A manuscript or handwrit is written information that has been manually created by one or more people, such as a hand-written letter, as opposed to being printed or reproduced some other way. The term may also be used for information that is hand-recorded in other ways than writing, for example inscriptions that are chiselled upon a hard material or scratched (the original meaning of graffiti) as with a knife point in plaster or with a stylus on a waxed tablet (the way Romans made notes), or are in cuneiform writing, impressed with a pointed stylus in a flat tablet of unbaked clay. The word manuscript derives from the Medieval Latin manuscriptum, a word first recorded in 1594 as a Latinisation of earlier Germanic words used in the Middle Ages: compare Middle High German hantschrift (c. 1450), Old Norse handrit (bef. 1300), Old English handgewrit (bef. 1150), all meaning "manuscript", literally, "handwritten".
- See also: Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Commons
- Related: Dead Sea Scrolls, Digital Scriptorium, Genkō yōshi, Gospel Book, Manuscript culture, Music manuscript, Palm-leaf manuscript, Printing press, Voynich manuscript, Woodblock printing
British Library Glossary of manuscript terms, most... British Library Glossary of manuscript terms, mostly relating to Western medieval manuscripts - Web |
Centre for the History of the Book, University of ... Centre for the History of the Book, University of Edinburgh - Web |
Chinese Codicology Chinese Codicology - Web |
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Digital Scriptorium Digital Scriptorium - Web |
Manuscripts Department, University of North Caroli... Manuscripts Department, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Web |
The Schøyen Collection – the world's largest priva... The Schøyen Collection – the world's largest private collection of manuscripts of all types, with many descriptions and images - Web |
Newberry Library Manuscript Search Newberry Library Manuscript Search - Web |
Getty Exhibitions Getty Exhibitions - Web |
Polish manuscripts in Sweden Polish manuscripts in Sweden - Web |